
Keeping Active, Cypress TX

Protect Your Achilles Tendon

Protect Your Achilles Tendon Hi, I’m Dr. Molly with Your Goals Physical Therapy. Do you play tennis? Are you over 40? And are you looking to make sure that you protect your Achilles tendon? This video is perfect for you.  I’m going to go over six things that you can

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How To Fix Carpal Tunnel

How To Fix Carpal Tunnel Hi, I’m Dr. Molly with Your Goals Physical Therapy. Are you looking for a way to fix your carpal tunnel? This video is perfect for you. I have treated and worked with numerous active adults who have come in suffering from numbness in their hands

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walking boot with the words "Getting back to running after a walking boot"

Running After A Walking Boot

Are you a runner and you are currently stuck in a boot or maybe you’ve been out of the boot for a little bit, but either way, you went from boot and now you wanna know how you’re going to get back to running.

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Getting Back To Running After A Bunionectomy

Getting Back to Running After A Bunionectomy Hi, I’m Dr. Molly with Your Goals Physical therapy. Did you just have a bunionectomy and now you want to get back to running? So the ultimate goal after getting that bunion removed was to get back to all the activities that you

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Inside Knee Pain While Squatting

Inside Knee Pain While Squatting Hi, I’m Dr. Molly with Your Goals Physical therapy. Have you been trying to squat but you keep coming up against some inside knee pain that’s just limiting that whole idea, then this video is perfect for you. So squatting is absolutely amazing, but it

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Don’t Let Your Herniated Disc Stop You From Working Out

Don’t Let Your Herniated Disc Stop You From Working Out Hi, I’m Dr. Molly with Your Goals Physical therapy. Did you just come back from your doctor’s appointment with your MRI report? That does confirm your worries, that you do have a herniated disc in your lower back, and now

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We help active adults end their aches and pain, so they can reclaim their favorite recreational activities and live life to the fullest.

Dr. Molly McDonald, PT, DPT, LMT

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