If those suggestions did not sit well with you then your in the right place. Hi, I’m Dr. Molly, I  help active adults prevent and recover from injuries, stay fit and healthy to keep them doing their favorite activities without medication or surgery.  

​There are many things that can cause arthritis in your joint but in this video I want to take about how your joints get nutrition and how moving more not less is the answer.

The synovial sac houses synovial fluid which not only help lubricate the joint space it is also how all the good stuff gets in between your joints and how all the bad stiff, including the nasty painful inflammation out of your joints.

This magical nutrition providing lubrication is pushed and pulled out of your joints with the cycle of resting and active movement.

In short if you rest a joint more than you move a joint, you are limiting the amount of nutrition and lubrication that joint is getting.

This is where gentle stretching and strengthening exercises can because a key component of fighting off the pains associated with arthritis. Many people can start either stretching at home, start a yoga or pilates class and see a dramatic reduction in pain and movement restrictions.

If you have tried stretching and strengthening without success that does not mean you are doomed to not being able to run or dance or to do your favorite activity. You simply need a person to physical assess your joint with a hands on assessment, a full body movement assessment in order to determine how to reduce the stress on your joint with the sole goal to keep you doing your favorite activities.

If you are looking for more information. Check out one of the links below!.

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