Series of images of a women going through the different trimesters

If you are pregnant or if your were recently pregnant then you might have an achy neck, have a popping shoulder, and severe upper back soreness.  Many people just given into the idea that pregnancy women are going to hurt. I started this blog to show women ways to combat this idea that you are just going to have to suffer throughout your pregnancy. Watch the video below to learn a simple stretch that can stop your neck from aching, stop you shoulder from popping, and stop that severe upper back pain. 

No exercise or activity is going to be perfect for everyone.

 If this exercise increases your pain then you should stop it immediately. Even if this exercise does not stop your pain  that does not mean that physical therapy can’t help you. You just need a personalized assessment to find out what the exact is causing of your pain (not just that you are pregnant).  Feel free to call or email me directly. Or Sign up for a FREE Discovery session. This is a 20 minute visit the consists of a conversation about the history of your injury and a movement assessment to determine if we are a good fit for you. 

Are you unsure if physical therapy is right for you? Or maybe you would like to try our services before making a decision? All you have to do is fill out the simple form above.

If you’re not quite ready to book an appointment yet, you might have some questions you would like answered first. Click above to request to speak with a PT first.