My Poor Aching Foot

Are you tired of constantly being reminded that you have feet with every move you make from waking up in the morning to standing up from a chair throughout the day? 

Have you stopped running? Have you stopped working out?

You’re in the right place! Dr. Molly’s video discusses what plantar fasciitis is and how to get back to all the fun things in life you have had to put on hold. 

How amazing would it be to get up in the morning place your feet on the floor without thinking about it? Would you like to stop debating if getting up is worth the discomfort?

Even more bold... What if you could start running, working out or shop without pain or limitations?

If that sounds amazing to you simply click the button below for a FREE discovery session. During your 20 minute session Dr. Molly will touch and identify the problem through a hands on assessment and movement screening to come up with a plan to get you back to the activities that make life enjoyable. 

Are you unsure if physical therapy is right for you? Or maybe you would like to try our services before making a decision? All you have to do is fill out the simple form above.

If you’re not quite ready to book an appointment yet, you might have some questions you would like answered first. Click above to request to speak with a PT first.