Banishing the Pain: Effective Ways to Alleviate a Stiff Neck

Say goodbye to stiff neck woes with our effective remedies! YourGoalsPT can help alleviate the pain and discomfort of a stiff neck quickly and efficiently. Whether you’ve got a crick in your neck from sleeping in an awkward position or chronic neck pain from poor posture, we’ve got the tools and expertise to help you find relief. Don’t suffer in silence – contact us today and let us help you get back to feeling your best!

It’s not uncommon to wake up with a stiff neck, which can be a frustrating and painful experience. You know that feeling – when you lift your head, and suddenly, you feel a sharp pain in your neck that radiates up to your head and down between your shoulders every time you turn your head. The pain can be so intense that you dread the next day or two, knowing that it’s going to be a struggle driving, sitting at your computer, or even working out.

Fortunately, there are several home remedies that can help alleviate the pain of a stiff neck quickly. In the video below, Dr. Molly demonstrates one such remedy that you can easily try at home. With gentle neck stretches and some basic exercises, you can help reduce the tension and inflammation that cause neck pain. Dr. Molly explains step-by-step how to do these exercises so that you can feel relief in just a few minutes.

In addition to the exercises, there are other things you can do to prevent and alleviate the discomfort of a stiff neck. For example, maintaining good posture, taking frequent breaks when sitting for long periods, and sleeping with proper neck support can all help reduce the risk of developing neck pain. By incorporating these practices into your daily routine, you can help prevent future episodes of neck stiffness and discomfort, allowing you to enjoy your activities with greater ease and comfort. 

Are you in Cypress, TX, and looking for a physical therapist? Or, did someone recommend physical therapy to you? If so, you’re in the right place!

Talk To Dr. Molly

If you are not quite ready to go ahead and book an appointment with a Physical Therapist right now, perhaps you have some questions and think it would be good to talk to Dr. Molly first so you can be 100% sure that we can help you, please click the button below and fill out the short form to schedule a call and Dr. Molly will answer all the questions you have over the phone, completely for free:

Discovery Visit

We realize some people may be “unsure” if Physical Therapy is right for them. It could be that you’re not sure it’ll work, or whether we can help with what you’ve got, or maybe you had a bad experience somewhere in the past? If that sounds like you and you’d like to come in and see for yourself how Dr. Molly can help you, please fill out the short form below and tell us more about you so we can answer your questions:

Cost & Availability

At YourGoals PT, we recognize that understanding the cost and availability of physical therapy is essential before making an appointment. If you're in this position, we're here to provide you with the information you need. Simply click the button above to explore the details.